Dr Koumoutsos Ioannis (MD, MSc, FEBGH)

Gastroenterologist - Interventional Endoscopist

Research Associate

Iaso Hospital

Clinic address

15 Ionias street, Nea Erythraia

Call: 2130460449 / 6949441772

email: gastrokoum@gmail.com

Nea Erythraia

He is a Gastroenterologist and maintains a private practice in Nea Erythraia (North Suburbs).

Ioannis Koumoutsos

Aiming to offer the best result with integrity, respect and long-term commitment.

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Koumoutsos Ioannis

Gastroenterologist Nea Erythraia

Κουμούτσος Ιωάννης, Γαστρεντερολόγος Νέα Ερυθραία, koumoutsos ioannis

Koumoutsos Ioannis is a Gastroenterologist and maintains a private practice in Nea Erythrea. He holds a degree in Medicine from the University of Patras and a Master's Degree (MSc) with Honours from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in "Crisis and Mass Disaster Management" and a thesis on "Migration and Hepatitis in Greece".


He specialised in Gastroenterology at the 417 NIMTS (Nursing Institute of the Army Pension Fund) and holds a European Diploma in Gastroenterology and Hepatology (European Board of Gastroenterology and Hepatology), following examinations. In 2014 he received a scholarship from the Hellenic Gastroenterological Society for further training in Interventional Therapeutic Endoscopy and Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) in Great Britain (UK).


After successfully completing his postgraduate training, he served for three years as a Consultant Gastroenterologist at Guys & St. Thomas Hospital, a specialist reference centre for idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBS - Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis) in the UK, where he gained extensive experience in the management of patients with IBS. From 2018 to 2023 he worked as a Consultant Gastroenterologist at the Gastroenterology Clinic at Southend University Hospital, Mid & South Essex Foundation Trust, where he was the scientific head of the IBS (Idiopathic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases) department with active participation in research projects.


From 2021 to 2023 he was Coordinating Director of the Endoscopy Department at Southend University Hospital, with a particular interest in both interventional endoscopy and the creation of scientific protocols for faster and more effective patient management. Since 2023 he has been a Scientific Associate at Iaso Hospital where he performs therapeutic interventional endoscopic procedures.


He has extensive and rich professional experience in the management of patients with acute and chronic digestive diseases while I perform diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy including specialized interventional endoscopic examinations, such as endoscopic palindromic cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), polypectomies, endoscopic dilations and stenting.

About Us


The aim of the doctor is to offer quality health services in the field of modern Gastroenterology. Based on the optimum for the patient's health and based on many years of experience and the latest medical developments, the doctor deals with: 

  • Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy of the upper and lower digestive tract (gastroscopy - colonoscopy - polypectomies)
  • Idiopathic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis)
  • Digestive - liver - biliary diseases
  • Prevention of digestive cancer


Diagnostic endoscopies are performed in the office with mild sedation (intoxication), and modern high-definition endoscopes are used.

The invasive endoscopic operations as well as the hospitalization of patients are performed at IASO. 

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